重要声明 | Important Notice
This repository(or blog) contains the answers to the homework assignments that I have completed in my computer science courses. The following statements are made:
Content Statement: This repository contains only the answers to the homework assignments that I have independently completed. It does not include any questions or materials published by instructors. Therefore, this repository does not involve any copyright issues related to the instructors’ published questions.独立完成:库中的所有代码均由本人独立编写,未涉及他人贡献或协助,确保了代码的原创性和独立性。
Independent Work: All code in this repository has been independently written by me, without any contributions or assistance from others, ensuring the originality and independence of the code.正确性声明:尽管本人致力于高质量地完成所有作业,并且库中的代码一般而言是正确的,但本人不对代码的正确性或适用性做任何保证。使用者应自行验证代码的正确性和适用性。
Accuracy Statement: Although I strive to complete all assignments with high quality and the code in this repository is generally correct, I do not guarantee the accuracy or suitability of the code. Users should independently verify the correctness and applicability of the code.开源许可:本库为开源项目,遵循 MIT 许可证。根据该许可证,库中的代码是开放的,任何人均可自由使用、复制、修改和分发。然而,本人不提倡通过本库抄袭作业的行为,此类行为被认为是不道德的,并且违背学术诚信原则。
Open Source License: This repository is an open-source project and follows the MIT License. Under this license, the code in this repository is open and can be freely used, copied, modified, and distributed by anyone. However, I do not endorse the use of this repository for plagiarism, as such behavior is considered unethical and violates academic integrity principles.教育用途:本库旨在为他人提供一个参考,以帮助其初步了解计算机科学专业学生在四年大学课程中的学习内容和作业要求。希望通过本库的分享,能够为学习者提供一些有益的参考和借鉴。
Educational Purpose: This repository aims to provide a reference to help others gain an initial understanding of the coursework and assignments of a computer science student over four years of university study. Through sharing this repository, I hope to offer useful references and insights to learners.
- 在使用、复制、修改和分发本储存库的代码前,我已经认真阅读上述声明,了解自身行为潜在的学术道德风险与作者无关。
- I have carefully read the above statement before using, copying, modifying, and distributing the code of this repository, and understand that the potential academic and ethical risks of my actions are not related to the author.